Snake Removal in Denver
Snake presence on your property can be unsettling, and most of us don’t like sharing our space with slithery reptiles even though they are beneficial to Colorado’s ecosystem. For some, it’s an anxiety-inducing phobia, while for others, it’s a mild dislike. No matter where you fall on the love-hate scale, there are options for snake removal and control. Our technicians will assess your property for snake removal, habitat modification, entry point repair, and more.
Colorado is home to many species of snakes – most of them nonvenomous. Here are the most common snakes in the Denver metro area:
- Garden snakes
- Bull snakes
- Western rattlesnakes
- Massasaugas
Tips for Snake Prevention
The best way to avoid snake activity on your property is to minimize food sources and prime habitat. Listed below are a few key principles.
- Make Modifications to Limit Snake Habitat on Your Property:
- Keep all grass, including field grass, mowed – especially in rural areas where rattlesnakes are present.
- Keep shrubs trimmed or remove them.
- Keep wood stacked in an enclosed structure or box.
- Avoid bush piles or stacks of unused lumber where snakes can hide.
- Minimize the use of large rocks in landscaping as snakes like to “sun” themselves.
- Avoid rock beds or landscape walls with “dead space.” This is usually created when rock beds/walls are made with larger rocks or boulders where a void is created between rocks.
- Repair Possible Snake Entry Points:
- Keep all window wells covered.
- Repair any openings under porches or patios where snakes can hide.
- Make sure garage door seals and entry door seals are working properly.
- Make sure all vents and utility inlets are properly sealed on the exterior of your home.
- Minimize Snake Food Sources on Your Property:
- Schedule regular insect maintenance along the exterior perimeter of your home.
- Schedule regular rodent maintenance to control rodent populations that might attract snakes.
Get Professional Snake Prevention
Snake Control in Denver
Snake infestations can be dangerous, and attempting to remove snakes yourself can be risky. Our wildlife control specialists have the experience and training necessary to safely and effectively get rid of your snake problem. We will also be able to provide snake-proofing services to help prevent future infestations. If you're dealing with snakes, don't hesitate to contact us!
What to Do When Snakes Get Inside
You may be able to tolerate snakes in the yard but entering your home crosses the line. So what can you do to get snakes out and keep them out? Call a snake removal service! Since your home has lots of cracks and crevices where snakes can hide, you may not always be able to locate them. The best course of action is to identify where the snakes entered the home. Then you can seal up the access point and place snake traps in key areas in case they haven’t gotten out. A few common snake entry points include: faulty garage door seals, missing or faulty door sweeps, and openings along the foundation line.
Things to Remember
- Snakes are an important part of Colorado’s ecosystem and most of them are entirely harmless.
- Our goal is to control snake populations on your property by limiting their food sources and prime habitat.
- We cannot completely eliminate the possibility of their presence on the exterior or your home but can work to prevent them from entering into your living space
- If you or your household is in danger of a rattlesnake strike, it is legal and appropriate to kill the snake. Be sure to seek immediate medical attention if you have been bitten.

Snake Removal Service Area
As a local company, Whitmore is proud to provide snake control services to our Colorado neighbors. Our snake removal has been helping customers since 2011, and we wouldn’t want to be anywhere else! See if we service your city: